sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

Apps to improve your Android battery

 You have already spoken long and hard the problem of the battery life for Android users. Even trying to save energy, it is rare that the battery lasts more than one day. Already saw as Snapdragon presented its BatteryGuru, or as Sony gambled by Stamina, and I've given you tips for increase the autonomy of your Android. Today we advise you about some applications to improve your Android battery http://androideas.es/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gif

There are people who opt for an extended battery or even for carrying extra batteries with him not to be without power in case of emergency, but for the moment, we are still slaves of the load of the mobile. As I mentioned in the post about increase battery, we found the display illumination and data connections on the top of the functions that consume more battery. Manage them manually can be tedious, for this reason, we show this list of applications that will help you to improve the autonomy of your Android Terminal.
First of all, I puntualizaremos two issues. Depending on the applications that are running in the background, you will have more or less battery time, and on the other hand, do not expect that these applications do miracles. Most of them are based simply on automatically manage connections, and modes of the phone to try to save the maximum of energy.

JuiceDefender: An application that allows us to manage our terminal functions to be able to optimize the use of battery. Designed to extend the charging time, help us manage certain tasks which are usually those consuming more battery, such as connectivity, (3G, 4G, WiFi, Bluetooth). It gives us the possibility to configure different modes which are activated from the application itself, or through a widget.

Greenify : One of the best ways to save battery life for users who have many applications installed, but in order to use it, is necessary to root the phone, which, normally, invalidates the manufacturer's warranty and that if we do it wrong, may involve unpleasant consequences for the phone. If you're willing to take the risk, what this application offers us is to control many aspects of the smartphone as the number of times that is updated all day a widget, for example.

Tasker: Tasker is one of the best options in loq EU administration of tasks is concerned, since it allows us to automate our smartphone to the maximum. Through this automation we can control applications that consume us too much battery. In addition, functions that offers go beyond energy savings, planteándose as a great Assistant for our Android phone.

Battery defending : If you're a person who does not want to lose much time on battery, defend Battery saving settings is your choice, since its objective is to involve less user to save battery power. For example, the application disables connections if the screen is off for more than 15 minutes. It also allows applications to be synchronized every 15 minutes or automatically disables connections when he knows that we are sleeping. In addition, it shows us what we have left of battery in the notification bar directly.

Battery HD: this application is oriented to give us more information as well as to project how much load is on the phone to find out what we can and what we need to avoid doing in the next few hours. If we know, for example, that we will not have a charger at a time, it is not recommended that we use the phone to watch videos, surf the internet or listen to music. With this application we can learn how many hours we still have battery for each of the functions of the terminal. While not us allows control over them, allows us to plan us with regard to the information provided to us.

 GO Battery Saver: this application will allow us to easily manage any of the functions that consume more battery on our phone. We can turn on or off the data, WiFi, Bluetooth, audio, screen brightness or synchronization applications. Also it allows us to configure custom profiles that fit our needs and that will help us to better control our Android energy expenditure.

Battery Dr: the function of this application is to improve our phone battery eliminating processes on and off applications that are spending too much battery. Battery Dr we can suspend tasks that do not need and that are working, as well as information about the battery, its temperature and other statistics of the phone, as well as of adjusting the brightness of the display, receive notifications related to the remaining battery time, or monitor and control charge our phone.

Battery Doctor: No to be confused with the previous application. Battery doctor will save battery quickly with one touch of the screen. In addition, predicts the charging time that we have to be able to plan the use of the smartphone and allows us to optimize the battery while the phone is charging. It also allows us to automatically adjust settings to optimize the loading time remaining.

Easy Battery Saver : This application allows us to save battery power through the intelligent management of connectivity of the equipment and the time during which the screen stays on when we are not using it, as well as the brightness of the same. It also allows us to save battery power while we sleep. The application provides us with four modes, from the simplest with basic controls, to the more complex with a larger number of controls that you want to exercise over the phone. In the latter, you can select virtually all the variables we can control for squeezing our phone's battery.

BetterBatteryStats: Finally, this application does not give us excessive control over the functions of the phone, but gives us information so that we know which functions are investing more battery. It gives us the possibility to analyze the behavior of a phone and find applications that carry out excessive battery use, to eliminate them or kill their processes depending on its functionality. It is, in short, an application of monitoring more than control of functions.

Snapdragon BatteryGuru: didn't want to mention this application for all those users whose terminal incorporates a Snapdragon chip. For more information regarding the application, already made a review in the following link.

And you, would we recommend some other application to improve your Android battery?

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